Embracing Grey

The rain brings life to a spectrum of emotions, reminding us that most of life is a beautiful blend of grey. The thick black coffee is an exception.

Fake Facebook Profile: Have I Finally Arrived?

Living with a touch of imposter syndrome, discovering there’s an actual imposter out there is quite something. I’ve always wondered if I’ve truly made it, and now it seems I have, in the most dubious way possible


You could be the smartest of people in a room. All it takes is a child or a childlike curiosity to eclipse you.


After getting somewhere, I walked further to a place where I could be left alone with Charlotte lake. Almost as a reflex action, my hand cradled the phone and clicked a picture. It was when I examined what I had clicked, that I first saw him.


Perhaps there was a ribbon to cut and cakes to distribute. Surely a plan and purpose? Of course, there must have been government approval. Taxes must have been paid. Papers must have moved from desk to desk.

Word Of The Year 2024

WOTY 24. A word that I am certain is necessary for every year that follows as well. And that word is ‘BELIEVE’.

The Good News

Good news is here. Right here! It matters as to where we look and how we do so! 🙂

Sports Day

You are never done with sports. Sport is how you live. Shortly after sports day is done and we get home, the young lady turns around asks, “can we play?”


From expansive humans who were driven by endless possibilities we have become narrow creatures seeking precision and a performance rating.

WOTY 2023

Dare often conjures up images of valour in the battlefield or Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Dare to me epitomises courage in simple everyday moments.

Good Design

“Before a shoot I am not thinking of how can I get a good picture, but what can I learn from this person.”

The Many Pleasures Of Reading

My mind right now is like a meadow sprouting all kinds of green after a luxurious spell of afternoon rain.


Enough has not been said about enough. Or has it been? Whichever way you think of it, enough is always enough. At least that’s what happened I learnt from my financial planner.

A Man For All Seasons

Vivek Patwardhan is a quintessential gentelman who through his life, exemplifies the phrase ‘a man for all seasons’! In a quiet, unassuming yet definitive way. He has been that way since the time I met him first. Let me spare you the effort of looking up “A man for all seasons”. While it stands for

Clarity Of Distance

The busy humdrum of everyday life gives us little opportunity to think about how we are living it!