About Me

I started blogging because I thought I had something to say. Those were pristine times filled with innocence and audacity. My interests have waned and waxed over time. But those in people, culture and technology have stayed on. Interests that I have been fortunate to build my career
on and earn a living out of too as a talent and organisational change specialist.

These days  I run a boutique Human-Centred Change firm.  I am also part of a unique media and learning firm as the Director of Learning & Change.  I believe that the connected, digital world that we live in needs a new mindset for thinking about life and work. Established old ways just don’t cut it. That thought gets me to get to work every day.

Before I set sail on my own, I was perched in the corporate world. I worked in the Human Resource function of a coatings company based out of Mumbai.

The story of my blogs and websites mirrors that of my career. My musings and self-expression lead me to discover friends, ideas, places, movies, food and above all, myself! Starting out as Kavis Musings and evolving as two different websites: Kaviarasu.com & InFoolBloom.com. InFoolBloom (inspired by the ‘Stay hungry. Stay foolish’ message of Steve Jobs) played host to my musings about my work. And Kaviarasu.com hosted all thoughts that were not work: Travel. Random musings. Family. Etc. 

As the decade turns and 2020 is upon us, I am merging these two websites and hope that it would provide me with a new renewal to write more. Its been a remarkably fulfilling journey and I feel incredibly blessed to have started out blogging. There is much I could have done differently.  But then, there is much to do now. Like writing a new About Me page, every year and keeping it current.

I am reminded of Robert Brownings classic quote “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?” Its been like that!

I try and keep the triumvirate of curiosity, courage and humility front and centre to help me take bearing. My current interests span Human-centric change management in organisations, digital technologies, social business, the future of work and the like. Discovery, travel, friends and family complete my world. They all exist here as categories you can check out. 

I look forward to staying connected. I have a weakness for strong coffee and simple conversations. That’s one more thing that’s been around for a while.  And that’s a weakness I am letting be! It is something that I have always said.

Jan 2020.