Goldilocks & learning

It was late in the evening when calls landed on my mobile. This was from home. One call. And in a matter of minutes, five missed calls. Either something was wrong or the little miss was upto mischief again. It turned out to be the latter. ‘Papa I have something for you. Come home fast’. She says.

“Of course, Of course I am coming” all set to get back into the meeting that I have stepped out of, half in panic. “I have brought Goldilocks home” she says as we hang up. I re-enter the room with a half smile on my lips. The other half suppressed beyond measure.

The little miss has been going to summer school. Play time for her. A variety of ‘art’ pieces have been emerging every evening that have warmed my heart no end.  Her art teacher has told the missus that she has a ‘knack for art’.

Take a look at this. Where, mamma looks cool and and pappa looks a tad younger. But hey, who am I to complain. For the artist in her staying alive and well all through her life, counts amongst the most soulful of my prayers.



Those were from the previous weeks. Since then, she has brought me “mamma bear” and “baby bear” bear.  I was hoping she would be making ‘Pappa bear’ but Goldilocks seemed to have pipped Pappa bear to the post! I sink into the comfortable chair, thinking of Goldilocks. The story of Goldilocks is quite a simple yet pretty deep one. It even gave rise to the profound ‘Goldilocks Principle

By the way, I first typed ‘Goldielocks’ and was lead on a different path.  A scrawny scroll of the thumb on the gorilla glass toughened mobile phone lead me to the urban dictionary that offered five different meanings for Golideilocks“.  The urban dictionary often reminds me of my rural lineage.

I reach home in a bit. And then the little miss runs up. “Papa here is your Goldilocks” she says. Remarkable what an old ice cream stick and a few pieces of colour when strung together by the daughter can do to a father’s heart. I smile. The innocence of her world is only matched the simplicity of her needs. The earnestness in the expression buffeted by the incoherence in the words.


She lays the three pieces side by side. Mamma bear, I notice, has a necklace and beautiful blue flower. Goldilocks looks cool. But Baby bear with her restless love, looks set for mischief. Just like the one in real life. She asks,  ‘Papa, do you like Mamma bear or Goldilocks’?

I cast a sideways glance at the missus. Who is busy with her errand. Her eyes focused on the errand but her ears tuned into our conversation and catching every sigh and pause amidst the words. I toggle with the idea of pulling the missus’s legs. For just a wee bit.

I laugh out loud. And tell the little miss that I go with whatever her choice is.

She thinks for a bit and says, ‘Mamma bear’!

“Good choice” I say.

A while later, we sit around the dinner table.  The missus says with a mischievous wink, ‘You should have tried’. She pauses. I look up and straight into her eyes. With mischief doing a wild dance she says, “You should have tried saying you prefer Goldilocks over Mama bear”.

I swallow the piece of chappati and drink some water, thanking my stars.  Sometimes, providence provides pathways that prudence takes the credit for. In the meanwhile, word is out that Pappa bear has to do more than what he does now to get featured atop an ice cream stick.

4 thoughts on “Goldilocks & learning

  1. As usual you touch upon those sentiments which every doting father will relate to . Reminded me of my son making a thank you card for his mother on Mothers day and how elated the mother was

  2. suranga date says:

    Such a copious
    curious art-pouring
    of talent
    dedicated depictions
    of the Loves of her Lives.

    Stay tuned for when
    the youthful
    tad younger Dad
    turns up
    on the felt
    with a fresh-cut-bhindi-n-green-paint
    printed shirt,
    and the artist
    tries to replicate
    that in real life.

    Working in Paints
    doesn’t teach
    about bhindi prints
    on crisp white shirts.

    Good luck…

  3. Amit says:

    Oh wow! Your daughter is soooo chweeeet! By the way, all hubbies have to drink up the cold water and say thank you to the missus, else you know what….. LOL

  4. chaula says:

    hey so cute…
    reminds me of my time with papa…not a very detailed memory of younger age..,
    adolescence he was superb..
    not very educated conventionally …but a very good listener and support.. and encourager and progressive till he got spoiled by temple…he he ….( which is last 10 years..)
    i remember on one of my bday he could not be home so i asked him to get me a book written by a particular gujarati author…he did not know which book i exactly he bought every book written by that author…around 8 of them…
    this experience is so deep in me…
    now he is a good buddy to me…been my buddy since long…
    of course we fight and blame and be victim and few other dramas, too…
    journey is on..
    sometimes not happening, too….atleast in my case..
    and i am ok with that.

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