
My mole appears !

If the title of this post leads your mind to race towards James Bond, his boss – M and of course, cavorting beautiful women, well, er…have patience.

Read on.

When you are face to face with your mole, life is so different.

This mole arrived unannounced at home. And appeared right in front of me. Just as I was combing my hair. There was a brief stare in disbelief from my side. And a peering close. Real close to check, if indeed this was my mole !

The understated yet powerful arrival, in true Warren Buffet style, took me by surprise. Quite a surprise. I looked all around. Part in disbelief. Part in surprise. Part in…I don’t know what.

The knowledge that I was presented to my mole without fanfare & the permanence of the presentation still unnerves me.

Only my maker, and he alone, knows how many more such moles I am yet to get acquainted with. For he made them all. And as I stare into the mirror every time that I comb my hair or wash my face, my mole stares at me.

That which was kept well within the ‘border’, for all these years, has come out in the open . As the hair line goes on recession mode! Its on a perpetual recession mode for some years now.

For me, there is obviously more face to clean and less hair to comb ! For now, the mole has arrived. And continues to stare. Oblivious to face wash and moisturisers !