Brought a smile to my face !
Tomorrow I am set to travel. To see a recuperating mom and an ailing father. Just to say ‘I may be elsewhere, but my heart and soul lies with you’. Not that it is going to make any practical difference to their daily routine, where moving one piece of paper from Place A to Place B will involve effort. But hopefully, i’ll find some solace.
Today seems so much better than yesterday. The ‘one family’ on my blog circle that has chipped in to say ‘we are with you’ are an immense source of strength! Thank You all!
In a way, it does seem strange, that within a short span, I have managed to reach out and break borders and barriers. To people who I haven’t seen or spoken. But know pretty well. Well, well, well, the ways of the world and technology are indeed strange! A big ‘Thank You’!
To me, you are closer than
awww that was a heartfelt post Kavi…HUGGGGGGGGGZ! I feel the same way abt my blogger friends. It’s amazing. I mean we havent even met in real but we r sooo attached. And when something happens in my life I cant wait to come n tell u all 🙂
I hope ur parents r well and that u will have a good break woth them. TC n be bak soon. Gonna miss ya alot…
Good that we are getting tied up with a new circle of friends whishing the best in everything. Sure your visit will make your parents feel happy. How’s Kamal? Haven’t heard from him for a long time!
isnt it strange that many people would never want to remember god, who hate god, who claims to be god but at the end silently prays for his arms. The world is so unjust in many ways sir. But we must be strong. I like your motivation and beliefs. God is indeed with us, and i pray for you and your family. Have a nice trip.
Have a nice time Kavi!!
Regards to the family!!
that was an awesome pic.. if you can send me a high res one, i’ll get it published in our paper, with due credit, of course 🙂
and yes, we definitely are with you..take care
Bad/Sad times are like night.. they are surely dark and dreadful.. but they will get over soon as well..
morning (brightness and happiness) will surely come along soon…
Don;t you worry… Hope your parents get well soon and you have a wonderful time with them!
My wishes are always there for you 🙂
Kavi: Hope you parents will are doing fine and have a good time vacation. Its always nice to meet parents and do things which like them the best.
Hope to see u back soon and take care. Its amazing to have so many people in our lives thru blogging and its a gift.
Hope your parents are well doing!! have a nice journey… take care dear:)
Very nice writing
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good luck kavi.
good luck kavi.