Just a Jai Ho !

On Western Express Highway. Mumbai. 26th Jan ’09

Slumdog Millionaire, is a well made movie. And i quite liked it. Its about India. Its about the real us. Our dreams. Our past. Our present. And about possibilities that connections in the mind can bring. There are other movies that have left a far greater impact on me, but of course, this is the one that got nominated for the Oscars. So ! Jai Ho !

On another note, a pendulum was always an object of intrigue. For it swung from one end to another. With such an alarming regularity. And yes, the only intermittent sound was from the alarm ! So have been the last few days for me. As i swung from one end to the other. With only the odd beep from the watch indicating time. Jai Ho !

We watched Slumdog Millionaire. Then a long standing dream went still. Almost coinciding with my birthday ! And then, there was Republic day. I have a thousand images to show. And a thousand more stories to tell. Some other day ! And so, I live to fight another day !

With a prayer on the lip for broader shoulders, and a stronger heart to stand up and engage what life throws at me, the resolve to stand, stands ! And of course, the belief that tomorrow will be much better, courses the veins much more fiercely ! Jai Ho !

My birthday came and went. Friends and the missus conspired to get me a few gifts. A Casio G Shock http://healthsavy.com/product/xanax/ watch and Ray Ban sunglasses ! A G-Shock watch is supposed to withstand shocks and Ray Ban sunglasses is supposed to shield the eyes from harmful rays of the sun. Such is the marketing !!

But, fresh from Slumdog Millionaire, i am busy making connections. And this seems to be a connection i cant miss ! Jai Ho !

I ran to Gibran for comfort, as i do so very often. And read Joy and Sorrow !

“When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.” But I say unto you, they are inseparable. Together they come, and when one sits, alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed”

This man has a way with his words. And has some kind of a broad band connection to my heart and soul. I smiled after a long while and went about other things. Like seeing a Republic day celebration ! Jai Ho !

Work related travel and my own mind, will keep me away for a few days. But of this, be assured.. I will be right back.

Until then…

Jai Ho !

30 thoughts on “Just a Jai Ho !

  1. A great start, reading Khalil Gibran on your birthday! Happy Birthday!

  2. nsiyer says:

    I have missed your birthday and that’s not too good. That speaks a lot for the amount I know you. I tell myself’I need to be more sensitive and knowing towards people whom I care for’. Here is singing a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU AND MANY HAPPY RETURNS.

    Wish you renewed energy and vigour towards another interesting year of blogging.

  3. Pearl says:

    Happy birthday, Kavi!

    And it is true that joy sits next to sorrow. 🙂


  4. Priya says:

    Belated borthday wishes to you. We blog friends haven’t received sweets from India yet.. I am yet to watch this movie and will see by this weekend.

  5. Jai ho, happy birthday and bon voyage! Gibran’s lucid philosophy has a direct soul connect. Slumdog has a heart connect, I guess, at least with the Western audience, otherwise why the hoopla?

  6. Happy Birthday, Kavi. And not to worry. All your wishes will come true. Like the road outside Hiranandani, you just take a longer route, slowly, but finally you get there…..

  7. Christine says:

    Happy Birthday Kavi!

  8. Braja says:

    Happy (belated) birthday Kavi…and a big JAI HO! to you :)))

  9. G says:

    Hello there.. Happy (belated) birthday.. 🙂

  10. ~nm says:

    Belated birthday wishes to you!

  11. manju says:

    Happy birthday, Kavi! The new day will bring new dreams- perhaps even more wonderful ones which will surely be fulfilled.

  12. excellent post sir. Jai Ho! hope all goes well for Rahman at the Oscars. Havent watched the movie yet, will wait for the hype to die down to really appreciate the movie.

    Happy Republic Day!

    and thank you for an enlightening quote from Gibran

  13. excellent post sir. Jai Ho! hope all goes well for Rahman at the Oscars. Havent watched the movie yet, will wait for the hype to die down to really appreciate the movie.

    Happy Republic Day!

    and thank you for an enlightening quote from Gibran

  14. Hi Kavi

    My birthday wishes to you!!!

  15. Neelakantan says:

    Belated wishes…Have fun@work and work@fun 🙂

  16. Sujatha says:

    Happy birthday Kavi! Have a great year ahead. And dream on, no matter what, it’s worth it! 🙂

    Am so glad you liked Slumdog.

  17. “When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

    When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

    Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.” But I say unto you, they are inseparable. Together they come, and when one sits, alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed”

    – Good thought and well written. Wish you many more returns of the day. I shall read one by one of your other posts and comment as well. How can I miss them?

  18. Aleta says:

    Happy Birthday, Kavi! Hold fast to your dreams and wishes, may they come true in perfect timing.

    I enjoyed your post and wondered how you feel about the movie, “Slumdog Millionaire.” I have yet to see it, but plan to do so this weekend. It’s good to know there is truth in the filming.

    ~ Happy Birthday ~

  19. Kusum says:

    Happy belated Birthday Kavi! Wish you many many happy returns!

  20. GuNs says:

    Watched the movie this weekend – (in a cinema hall). Liked the movie to bits and the soundtrack too so instantly went out and bought the (original CD of the) soundtrack.

    Danny Boyle of Trainspotting and the Beach. Please friends, don’t pirate – watch the movie in a cinema hall and buy a DVD/Audio CD. I’m sure we can all afford a couple hundred rupees given six figure annual salaries.


  21. Jeevan says:

    Must watch the movie sometime, and very true thoughts here. Happy birthday kavi 🙂

  22. Christine says:

    So, I’ll be stopping by daily for February!… also gave you an award the other day since you are about the most perplexing blogger I read. Looking forward to reading more.

  23. But i say unto you, Brilliant posts & Kavi are inseparable.

    Happy birthday to you Kavi. Here’s wishing you only the very best always.


  24. Amazing post Sir..
    Belated Happy B’Day!!

  25. Swatantra says:

    Happy Birthday! I quite liked this post! I wanted to share few things.. in the last few posts i was finding some sorrows, but i could see you coming back in the full swing in this post.. it is purely based on my thoughts i hope u don’t mind for this, comment..

    Thanks for sharing the thoughts of Gibran.. i enjoyed reading them..

    I wish you a great year ahead, may all your new dreams come true! Amen!

  26. Sanjeev says:

    Kahlil Gibran and Slumdog in the same post?!!!! Whats the world coming to?!! Is it just me who found Slumdog an over-hyped load of crap – bad acting/diaglogue delivery, bad screenplay, and worse AR Rahman sounded noisy and unnatural? For crying out loud, they can’t tell a Rama from a Krishna!I can understand the western critics here going gaga, probably they wouldnt have seen Maniratnam’s Bombay or Mira Nair’s Salaam Bombay, or even read Rohinton Mistry’s Fine Balance. But you too Kavi?
    Let me down big time. Happy Birthday!


  27. Suma says:

    looks like i missed a birthday but its never to late to send warm wishes, is it…

    that’s a lovely gibran quote….and trust you to make all the right connections…:)

    Jai ho!

  28. Life is a journey and those who travel are the real travellers.
    Enjoy !

  29. Life is a journey and those who travel are the real travellers.
    Enjoy !

  30. Kavi says:

    Here is a firm thank you from the heart to every body who stopped by to leave a comment and a wish.

    Personally, i am very humbled by all the wishes. And when going through tough times, every word of support and wishes is a strong anchor !

    And when the wishes pour in, you feel easy on the shoulder !!

    Thank you everybody. THANK YOU !

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