Question D !

I need some help. Read on.

Preserved by a dotting mother who doubles up as a collector of family memories, this chap remains. Many decades after he was slapped, thrown about, trampled all over and sometimes washed up and decorated ! Yes. This chap was my toy !

And i was reacquainted with him last week. And promptly clicked !

And what an aspirational toy ! At that time, there was desire. To wear those bell bottom trousers. For that long wavy hair. And yes. For that bright yellow shirt and sky blue trousers ! For that red guitar and lovely music, that i saw film heroes spew !

And this chap is symbolic of a time when there was innocence in the air and the thinking was as wide as the vast expanse !

As education seeped in, one after the another, the tastes changed. For the whatever remained, reality reared its stark face. The last on that list being ‘wavy hair’ !

More importantly, this chap reminded of a time when you were asked four questions. All the time. Many times over. By new people. Same people. Half people. At dinners. Get togethers. When people visited. When you visited.

a. Which school do you go to ?
b. Which class do you study in ?
c. What is your class teachers name ?
d. What do you want to become when you grow up ?

Of course, there would be a few more questions. And there were those who would ask the same questions all over again, in the same interaction so much so, that you wondered if could make the earth would part ways. Then and there !

The answer to question D, on that list, would vary. Many times according to mood. The intensity of the sun. Of course, on who was asking, and who all were listening. The answers used to vary from, ‘Pilot. Journalist. Prime Minister. Policeman. IAS officer’ and the like. These were my oft quoted.

The more libellous ones were, ‘Film star, cricketer, Astrologer..” Whatever the answer, without doubt, there would be those who would probe further. ‘Why’ they would ask. Or sometimes, smirk / laugh / nod head and say, ‘really?’.

There was one gent who used to be a master at this. He would ask me this question, over many years. And when he did ask me this question, for the 2,33,678th time, i remember, having my hands on my hips and telling him, ‘ Superman’.

The man’s eyebrows widened. And there was momentary surprise. There was a plan. That if at he would ask me ‘Why’, i would muster all courage and state that Superman got to wear blue trousers for underwear and read underwear for trousers. And of course, had a curtain cloth hanging on his shoulder.

His surprise had him mute. There was no need to muster the courage. I remember wanting to go on. And tell him, “Phantom”. “Tin Tin”. “Batman” and each had equally powerful reasons. Surprisingly the 2,33,679th time didn’t come.

This chap with the guitar reminded me of that time ! Now, If you spot a dark chap in a bright yellow shirt and a sky blue bell bottom trousers, with a guitar slung across the shoulder….well, spare a second look ! It could be me, wanting to recreate that time !

Many decades later, the toys have changed shape. Size. But hey, the questions remain too. Slightly different though.

a. Where do you work ?
b. Where do you live ?
c. How many kids do you have ?
d. How much do you earn ?

And this is where i need some help. Can you help me with a ‘superman’ kind of answer for ‘question ‘d’ ‘ !?!

18 thoughts on “Question D !

  1. Superman –
    Do not work.He helps.
    Do not live at one place.
    Never got married. No kids.
    He earns ZERO money but lots-n-lots of love.

  2. Jairam says:

    Possible answer: I earn enough to feed myself and my family three whole meals a day.

    Or was that too senti an answer?

  3. amreekandesi says:

    “Enough to be the Superman that i wanted to be!”

    That’s quite a dramatic response!

  4. nsiyer says:

    Very insightful post. It took me to my childhood and also the journey from then to now. Yes, very similar questions. The answers need to suit the aspirations of the person asking questions. Else, with his body language, he would leave with you lesser self worth or else self doubt.

    The answer to ‘D’ is: ‘The more you learn, the more you earn. In ways, you deem fit’.

  5. G says:

    “Enough for you to get so curious and ask, you doofus!”

    That would be my reply. Liked it?

  6. Kavi,

    Question b.1 seems to be missing.

    b.1 Are you married ?

    As for an answer to d: Quote “Karmanyevadihikaraste ma faleshu…..

  7. “None of your ^$^%$ business”!!

    ok, I know you cannot say that… maybe, enough to make me content but not enough to be completely happy! 😉
    While they try and figure that out, you can skip away!!

    How sweet that your mom is like mine… do keep that doll for your kids. Or maybe not. My son broke one of my husband’s toys (which he had kept preserved for 25 years) in 2.5 seconds.

  8. But Kavi he is gorgeous :))) I really clicked as well 😉

    I am going to New Zealand, via Bangkok, and yes I will be back, of course I will…I’m just visiting for the summer….

  9. That if at he would ask me ‘Why’, i would muster all courage and state that Superman got to wear blue trousers for underwear and red underwear for trousers.

    LOL:) The questions’re maddening indeed. And since most of it is from family (not immediate), there’s really no way one can avoid it. It can be a topic for a theses: Answers to random, rapidfire questions:)Fun and insightful read again!

  10. manju says:

    Questions, questions! These are really universal questions.

    I used to have the same problem- what to answer without being rude. But now I have perfected the art of raising my eyebrow slightly as if to say ‘how rude to ask such questions!’ People usualy stop their questions after that.

  11. Swatantra says:

    questions interesting post.. Kavi many times i had same kind of feeling when i come across any kid in our apartments, i ask them different questions, but there are questions… nice post!

    I hope u had a wonderful time at home..

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  14. Neelakantan says:

    Enough to keep me happy/content?

  15. Raj says:

    Excellent post! As regards Qn D, why would you want to answer?

  16. Jeevan says:

    “d. What do you want to become when you grow up ?”
    This is a question make irritate me often. And doctor is a word comes out easily from a child whether he/she are sure about the meaning.

    my uncle’s kid was much passionate about spiderman and act like him and if we ask him what he will become. He tells spiderman with no reason to be like him.

  17. Kavi says:

    Hobo : You seem to be a fan ! Of superman !!

    Jairam : good answer. Can be used against selective people. I have some in mind…already !

    amreekandesi : Hmm… enough to be the superman ! Ok. Lies are ok here ! right !?! LOL !!

    NS Iyer : Yes sir ! I have given that at times, only to be followed by ‘follow up question’ ‘and so how much is that !’

    G : LOL ! I imagined stating that with so much emphasis, and that very thought gladdened my heart. Especially the doofus part ! 🙂

    Ugich Konitari : Ofcourse ! When its a new person.

    The ones that pop these questions to me now are the ones that asked me the same question on the day of my wedding and every other anniversary too ! 😉

    Roshini : My mom keeps everything ! And she is a gem ! And ofcourse, i hope to keep that for generations ! Lets see !

    Braja : Thank you ! And safe trip !

    Naperville Mom : Thanks ! And, yes, when its family, whats the answer…my problem too !

    Manju : Arching my eyebrows. Now,thats new ! Definitely new !

    Swatantra : Yes. had a wonderful time ! Thanks !

    Neelakantan : I have tried that…and that gets a follow up questions…” And thats how much..” !

    Raj : Thanks ! But thats a wonderful comment. And that got me thinking !!

    Really !

    Jeevan : I never got to Doctor. It was a very difficult thing to do ! Perhaps wearing underwear outside seemed exciting. But to be a doc was not at all. I still dont know why !!

  18. Niru says:

    Hey Kavi,

    Loved reading the post. My options for Q.D-

    A) I am a charity case.Please donate.

    B) Not enough to spare anything for you.

    C) Ake Ruppaya aur bahar anna.

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