Bloggers Meet !

He has sat with this post on draft mode for two days now. Caught between travel and work, he just cant seem to get words into his keyboard. So he writes. He rewrites. Shakes his head in disgust. He shuts the computer down in a huff. And then walks away.

Comes back. And repeats this process many times.

His word tap sputters and coughs. Much like the municipal taps that supply drinking water in a suburban town. Much noise. Much hiss. Occasional drip. But no steady flow of water. He wonders why words have deserted him these days. Perhaps it is to do with the joy of meeting them.

With little patience left, bearing a tired body and weary eyes, he decides to be authentic. And presents his sputter – sputter – cough right there. Much like municipal tap in peak summer !

They met. Those bloggers. Once again. The first time around, was when they put the face to the home page. This time around, they put a soul to the face ! Comprehensive description has been blogged here. And here. And here.

Exchanged in good earnest were the following. Chatter. Banter. Some gossip. Opinions. Thoughts. Advice. Wishes. Leg pulling. And some sizzle.

On a Saturday afternoon, they began where they had left off. Like old school friends. And left off again, easily, when they had to move. Sure they would meet again !

They went dutch. Like last time. Pooled in money. Counted notes like high school kids who had just bunked class and went to a fancy restaurant with pocket money saved for months !

Total clean fun. Simply sizzled !

He thanked the stars and the Gods above. For a group of friends like this. They not only read his blog, but leave comments as well.

And then, they come together and spend time like old friends. People who share a similar journey on the blog world.

One who pushed his trip back home, so that he could be here. Another who was making an important investment decision. People who he had met in person only three months back…

And as if that was not enough, ofcourse the gifts flew in as well. One of them brought a neat writing pad for everybody.

And another had made a mango dish, packed it in a bowl and presented it in a handmade bag.

And ofcourse, he better thank his stars. For the friends. For the internet. For their reading. For their leaving a comment. For their taking time off to get together.

And when he reaches home, his missus, tastes the mango dish and says, ‘finally. Finally. Finally, your blog feeds me’ !

Phew. Now thats the closest he has ever gotten to official recognition for his blog. And so he believes God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world !!

21 thoughts on “Bloggers Meet !

  1. Swatantra says:

    nice innovation!!

  2. looks like you had fun!

    mango dish, sizzlers or otherwise.

    ever wonder how you hit it off with blog buddies like you have known each other all your life?


  3. Some vignettes.

    The final note counting and approval stamp being given by the lone English Prof in the group, as the MBA corporate types looked on….:-)

    One of the bloggers who has a knack for blogging about food, opens the up the mango stuff, dips his fork in, and enjoys a taste, even before the sizzlers arrive….

    And finally has anyone noticed, that Kavi is suspiciously silent about the picture on top of the post ?

    He’s right. God is in his heaven, there is no rice for dinner, and all is right with the world !!

  4. Kavi. Some things in life go without saying. Like you and your writing. You must seriously consider writing a book. There is a suble magic that you weave with your words….even when you’re spluttering. Incidentally, was it Kobe’s or Yoko’s? 🙂

  5. Dessert is missing 🙂

  6. Haha! Your wife has some sense of humor:)

    It must’ve been a lot of fun (when’re you meeting again?), and also quite unraveling in a way…I was curious, so how different were yr virtual images from the real ones?

  7. SGD says:

    The pic on top has me drooling !!
    And the accounts on your respective posts make me wish I was a Mumbai blogger too… that i could join the friends, fun & feast!!
    And of course, a great post!!

  8. sounds like it was a lot of fun!
    I hope Braja comes here soon so we can have a US party too!

  9. Ankit says:

    It seems that you guys had fun. I came to this blogger’s world recently but its getting in to my routine.

    Blog, Blog guys….there are a lot of readers.

  10. oh i wonder when we will ever meet 🙁

  11. manju says:

    Kavi- It sounds like you all enjoyed youselves a lot. Wish I could have been there!

  12. Anonymous says:

    off topic,

    drunk man and lamp post – from ‘Little Prince’ ?

  13. ♥ Braja says:

    Ahh, that was lovely, Kavi…I remember your last union 🙂

  14. amreekandesi says:

    “And when he reaches home, his missus, tastes the mango dish and says, ‘finally. Finally. Finally, your blog feeds me’ !”

    This was wit, at its classiest! You guys are a funny couple!

  15. Sujatha says:

    Agree with n’ville mom. Your missus does have a great sense of humor!

  16. SSQuo says:

    Oh thats pretty cool. I was just exchanging a few thoughts with SGD re. the similarities between a cyber personality (through the words we know) and the person in the flesh. What was your opinion?

  17. Jeevan says:

    This sounds wonderful and beautiful about the relationship blogs created for us. Seems interesting kavi.

    “Finally, your blog feeds me’ !” hehe… very nice complement actually 🙂

  18. Yesss – the ‘chhundo’ was as ‘chatpata’ as the conversation. BTW, I am still unable to believe I ate that much in one go. Conversation must be a great digestive aid, what say?

  19. Kavi says:

    Swatantra : Thank you !

    Sundar : I guess blog buddies know you way too well ! You bare way too much. I mean.. on the keyboard !

    Ugich Konitari : Ofcourse, the final stamp was of the prof. The last word has to be the right word !

    And all else remains silent in Gods creation. 😉

    Sujit : Many thanks ! That was a generous portion ! And yes, it was Yokos !

    Ujjwal : There just was no space. And it was hot and we were sweating…! 🙂

    Naperville Mom : She has practice out of humouring a dead pan husband !

    I didnt think we were very different. Although, i am not sure about the others ! 🙂

    SGD : Ah. That makes us wonder if we can expand this to other cities too. Hmm. There must be a format in which we could do this..!

    Roshini : Let us know the next time you are around here.. when there are no Visa problems et al ! We’ll have a good time !

    Ankit : Thanks.. and i am a slightly older novice.. so !

    Manju : Yes..there is always the next time

    Braja: I am so glad you remember ! You havesome memory ! 🙂

    amreekandesi : Funny couple. We are. Just ask the neighbours ! 😉

    Sujata : Same reply to NM applies. She has humoured me long enough ! 😉

    Hobo : Perhaps you can come in the next time around

    SSQuo : I didnt see much of a difference. Infact the pictures of them i had in my mind…was by and large accurate !

    Jeevan: 🙂 Thanks !

    Sucharita : Now now… let the blame not rest on the conversation !


  20. G says:

    Wow! Bloggers meet huh. A lot has happened while I wasn’t around. A lot to read and catch up on 🙂

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