New Year Wishes

Play 2019. Happy New Year!

So, its another new year. A chance to look anew. An excuse to restart. An opportunity to refresh.  Perhaps a new way to renew. A milestone by the side of the road that announces an opportunity to change lanes. A pin drop on the map of fast alleys and winding lives.  For some of you, it may just be a change of a calendar. However it is for you, it is an unmistakable opportunity to pause, ponder and plod on, in directions that you have always wanted to.

My little miss has been at work for some time now. Shooting the rural breeze, counting sheep, feeding cows and dipping toes in the village well.  Last night, she drew me a picture and wished me a happy new year. Of course, we spoke about it for a while.

She said that the honey bee was actually playing and so was the flower! In her world, the ground was blue, because, ‘it is a nice colour’. And the Sun is always smiling at us all.  She wanted us to play more in the new year, like the Sun and the flower.  And perhaps paint the road in the colour of choice.

That left me pondering ‘PLAY’ as the word for 2019! Play stands for joy. Experimentation. Light. Wins. Losses. Trials. Preparation. Diligence. Practice. Work ethic.  All in a spirit of partnership.  Am reasonably sure that this is not what she had in mind when she said ‘play’. For her, it means ‘great fun’! And I can’t agree more of that being the baseline.

And that is my most sincere wish for you. To Play. Erupting in childlike joy and to always retain the essence of curiosity and free will.  All of this with the energy to float and the effervescence of holding others and their actions lightly.

May we all live fulfilled, happy, healthy lives.

May we play 2019 well. Happy New Year!

Renewal Time!

A brand new year has come our way. Yet again. Like it always does. Here is another opportunity to seek renewal of promises made and conversations had. With others and ourselves too.  ourselves too. 

Here is a wish. Actually here are a bunch of wishes for you. For me. And for the rest of the world. A set of disparate wishes that perhaps form an incoherent bouquet of sorts. Delivered with love, which is its only redemption. Perhaps!

Here is a wish for moments stolen from the frenzy of daily living to pause and ponder. At the marvel of creation and the simple joys of life and living too. 

A wish to keep reality of the large world firmly in our midst even as detest even the slightest seconds that we are disconnected, from the internet that is!  

A wish to stay healthy in the mind & body, with a resolute belief that ‘things have a way of working out’. A wish in tow for good sleep. Good habits. And great choices! 

For patience with our fellow people. For acceptance. For passion, consistent effort and zealous work to strive for progress.  

I look at my daughter and the words flow on to the screen with greater ease. 

A fervent wish for each of us to be filled with curiosity about what’s possible. A child like laughter. Togetherness. And a devout hope for a better future. 

And then, to look around and pass these, better wishes and some cheer, at the first available excuse to our children. And their children. Year after year. 

For now though, its Happy New Year 2014. Heres wishing you the best! 

Happy New Year

It’s a brand new year. May it bring with it quiet resolve and constant love.  May 2013 be the year when each of us pulled all of us to a higher plane!  May there be abundance of health, love and cheer in our lives. May our outlooks get powered by that sense of ‘abundance’. 

May there be peace. May goodness be our permanent companion and fairness be our passport to higher order. And let there be challenge just enough to strengthen our backs and solidify our resolve.

May there be laughter. Dance. May there be reading. And writing. And an unwavering spirit. To take our collective futures, forward!

May our children grow stronger. Drawing strength from the resolve of their character rather than the weight of a bank balance. May they learn to see, appreciate life, living and giving. May they see a life that has a greater end than pointless effort and mindless competition. Oh yes, may we see it too!

May our worlds emerge far clearer, when we take stock at the end of the year. May our lives resonate with a spirit of having made a difference to someone. Or to someplace. Or to something !

If that sounds like a tall order, perhaps we should leave it at a simpler wish for all of us: a renewed energy to stay happy pursuing our passions and passing on some cheer. May we stop to say thank you to folks like Walt Disney who said, “Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age and dreams are forever.” 
May this year be the year that we lit a lamp to dispel the darkness, and from the depth of the shadows may there emerge a billion stories. Of how ‘better was possible’ because we tried. 

Happy new year! 

A time for renewal !

Its time to change those calendars on your desks. Its time for a new year. While the sun and sea, the frog and the fox, the bacteria and the blue whale could wonder what the big fuss of changing calendars is all about, its time for us to seek renewal. In the name of a new calendar, if not for anything else !

2012 provides us an new opportunity to wear a fresh coat of joy that comes from pausing to ponder and pandering our curiosity about the simple things that life asks us often.

2012 offers one more the possibility to disagree honourably, to agree with grace and help us anchor relationships at an arc that is higher than mere agreements or disagreements.

2012 will lead us down new roads, if we care to take them! May we be blessed to take long walks. May we run. May we do whatever we can, to exercise muscles and wholesomely engage with the brain. May we laugh and be ourselves when we do these and everything else.

2012 will get us new gadgets while offering us another chance to put gadgets, tools and technologies in their rightful place : Along with other, tools, gadgets and technologies. May the focus shift to connecting with one another, from the tools to be used for such connections.

2012 could well see the death of the quest to find a superheroes in the world to put an end to the problems we face. May we realise that each of us are superheroes when we do what we need to, with joy, passion and in a spirit of just doing!

As we dash from deadline to deadline, may we find new diagrams and decipher answers to grand questions that comes from young children. Like ‘why is the sky blue’. Or ‘Why cant I be named ‘idli’?

May our children grow stronger. Drawing strength from the resolve of our characters rather than the latest gizmo they were presented with or the sight of the fancy car in the garage. May they learn to soak in every moment, and erupt in joy and learning. May they see a life that has a greater end than mindless competition. Oh yes, may we see it too!

May our worlds emerge far more clearer, when we take stock at the end of the year. May our lives resonate with a spirit of having made an difference to someone. Or to someplace. Or to something !

Heres wishing us all a wonderful, peaceful and fulfilling new year !

Lets Fly !

The first day of the year has sneaked into us. Offering warmth and hope of a brighter tomorrow. Like the first rays of the sun that spreads and reaches out to all, urging me to break free and fly ! On the strength of a deep wish and the sincerity of a real prayer !

A prayer that extends all the way to the heart, for reason to prevail. On me. And you too. And your neighbour. And his neighbour too. And so on. Until we form a chain of reason that breaks the chains that holds us back.

May 2011 be the year when peace and harmony become permanent coatings on all our walls. A wish escapes from the soul, for sensitivity to the person next door. However similar or otherwise he is. Or she is.

May there be abundance of health, love and cheer in our lives. May it travel far and wide, and become the only permeable infection in this world. And may there be no antidote that found for that infection!

May there be peace. May goodness be our permanent companion and fairness be our passport to higher orders. And let there be challenge enough to strengthen our backs and solidify our resolves.

May there be laughter. Dance. May there be reading. And writing. And a constant strife. To take our collective futures, forward!

May our children grow stronger. Drawing strength from the resolve of our characters rather than the strength of our bank balance. May they learn to see, understand, and appreciate life and living. May they see a life that has a greater end than mindless competition. Oh yes, may we see it too!

May our worlds emerge far more clearer, when we take stock at the end of the year. May our lives resonate with a spirit of having made an difference to someone. Or to someplace. Or to something !

If that sounds like a tall order, perhaps we should leave it at a simpler wish for all of us : a renewed energy in the going about doing all what we do, with character, love, honesty and joy!

May this year be the year that we came to that edge of the cliff, cast a glance at the ravine below, and had it in us to take a leap of faith…leaping to fly off towards a better future !

Happy new year ! Lets fly !


A new year arrives. Brand new. When the sun comes out of the night, he brings with him a new morning. And a new year too. ‘Its time to change’, the morning seems to scream. Change. If not anything else, the calendar and the notepad needs to change.

Taking care to write ‘2010’ when habituated practice auto veers toward ‘2009’ every time the date has got to be written ! Wishing you oodles of health, happiness, healing, fulfilment and great joy ! A wish that’s soaked with emotion and dipped in sincerity.

Perhaps devoid of the pomp and show of a five star party, but howling with hope to preserve the promise of a better present ! A 365 day present that offers itself for use.

Every single day ! May we choose to use this present well. May we find meaning with grace. Perhaps some grace with love. Maybe love with gratitude. And gratitude with fulfillment. Lets throw in all our best intentions and make a bonfire of warmth that will lead us to action.

May there be balance, in all that we do.

May we LIVE. In 2010. Soaking each second and relishing every moment. May we see beauty in life and living, in Earth and in sky. In all colour and splendour. And by the way…, may we learn to have a good laugh at ourselves. Missing that could well mean the biggest joke of the year !

Happy New Year !

A dream and a prayer ! Welcome ’09

Clicked in Mumbai. Dec 2008

So lets welcome 2009.

Numerous SMS messages pour in. There are enterprises ranging from the odd peddler in the street corner, to the ones who peddle street corners, making noise about the new year. And making that extra effort to wish ‘You’ a very happy new year !

Amidst all that melee and din there is a quieter wish on this blog too. Shouting without speaking. Letting you know of a sincere prayer with all the strength that i can muster : A wish for a year which sees oodles of happiness and seas of fulfillment.

A prayer from the heart, for reason to prevail on you and me. And every inhabitant of this planet and other planets too. For peace to become a permanent coating on all our walls. A wish escapes from the soul, for sensitivity to the person next door. However similar or otherwise he is.

May there be abundance of health and cheer in your life. And may it travel far and wide, and become the only permeable infection in this world. And may there be no antidote that found for that infection !

May there be peace. May goodness be your permanent companion and fairness be your passport to higher orders. And let challenge and strength stretch us all and grow our shoulders.

May there be laughter. Dance. May there be reading. And writing. And a constant strife. To take civilisation forward.

May your children grow strong. Drawing strength from the resolve of your character rather than the strength of your bank balance. May they learn to see, understand, and appreciate that competition is not the end. But perhaps a means to an end.

May your worlds emerge from more clearer,when you take stock at the end of the year. And may they resonate with a spirit of having made an impact on a few lives. Or just going about what you do well, with character and honesty.

Clicked in Mumbai. Dec ’08

And when we close the year, with an honest years effort, may colour make its presence felt. May the brotherhood of man break every boundary possible. And may your joys multiply.

That may seem a tall order to you. But that’s my dream. And my prayer. For me. And for you. And for our collective future !

Wishing you the happiest of years yet ! Here’s to a great 2009 !!

This post concludes the four part series titled Defining Images ’08 !

Thamizh Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal. ( Tamil New year wishes )

The Thamizh new year came and went. The importance of the day cannot be re-emphasised. Well, its a new year. ( If you are not thinking it of as Sun TV’s anniversary)! And the new year offers possibilities. Like a fresh page. A new pathway. Virgin pastures. Possibilities. Friendships. And a ‘new’ thats indeed alluring !!

Wishing all readers Thamizh ( Tamil in the authentic way ) new year wishes. May this years herald a new thinking. A thinking that encompasses all within its overarching reach. A thinking that ushers in change. A thinking that broadens our horizons and launches us further !

I am approaching the new day after the new year day, with hope and confidence. That this year will be defining. That things will change for the better. And we will all be smiling that we had a year like this, as we usher in the next new year. One year hence !

Happy New Year !

Hues ’08 !

The new year dawns on us like a lotus that is blooming. Just as the first rays of the skin kiss the rose coloured petals shimmering in the blue water of a still lake, the lotus responds to the distant sun. Blooming and beaming. And that is a sight for the eye.

As the monsoon showers hit our mountain ranges, from every piece of land and & crevice ‘green’ sprouts. A green response to dark clouds that connect up with silver streaks of rain !

The red that runs beneath doesnt change colour despite sporting white, brown or black skin ! And envy is green and love is a shade of red ! And the human mind is multi-hued. Especially so, when not clouded.

As the white polar ice sinks into the blue ocean, the black dotted panther is feeling the heat somewhere !

As the one white light that gets split into many hues, the many colours dominate our lives, our thoughts, our moods and perhaps our actions. Just as we recognise the vibrancy of each colour of the world, lets also keep in our minds that what we see and relish is just one splinter of a broader hue.

All of us are connected. May the year ’08 show us the way to greater connectedness. Of holding to each other. Of being able to see all the different colours and see it with the belief & understanding that it is but a part of a broader hue. And that one colour leads to many other colours. And that a solitary colour by itself is small change unless seen with other colours !

Welcome ’08. May we see many hues when we are with you. May we accept all hues as extensions of our own. May each of us do our bit. That when we look back, we say, ” ah ’08, that was the year that the we saw all hues distinctly but remembered to put it all together. “

“Back together “.

Wishing all readers a very happy new year !