Tamizh New Year

Thamizh Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal. ( Tamil New year wishes )

The Thamizh new year came and went. The importance of the day cannot be re-emphasised. Well, its a new year. ( If you are not thinking it of as Sun TV’s anniversary)! And the new year offers possibilities. Like a fresh page. A new pathway. Virgin pastures. Possibilities. Friendships. And a ‘new’ thats indeed alluring !!

Wishing all readers Thamizh ( Tamil in the authentic way ) new year wishes. May this years herald a new thinking. A thinking that encompasses all within its overarching reach. A thinking that ushers in change. A thinking that broadens our horizons and launches us further !

I am approaching the new day after the new year day, with hope and confidence. That this year will be defining. That things will change for the better. And we will all be smiling that we had a year like this, as we usher in the next new year. One year hence !

Happy New Year !

Tamizh New Year ‘Wishes’

Today is Tamizh New Year !

May it herald new beginnings.

Prosperity. Fulfilment. Great Health. Peace all around. Contentment. Joy. Happiness. Great creativity. Fantastic Books. Wonderful blogs. Kind hearts. Productive activities. Warm fuzzy feelings. Holding hands. Break downs of walls and boundaries. A better life. A better earth.

A better tomorrow. All of us needed a beginning to make.

Lets make it now !