At least that’s the hypotheses that i am getting myself to accept. For i have consistently found that good ones don’t exist and the rest are taken. That’s been the experience. Every single time that the the tyre has rolled to get somewhere, it has rolled an equal distance to find a place to stop. Much after reaching the place!
And after an hour of driving, the struggle to park can be downright trying. Praying for mercy from gleeful parking attendants and merciless co-drivers. ( Who can seem to know how to park a Merc in a space where you don’t think a Maruti 1050 will fit ).
Just as you are all set to park, your eye spots some message written somewhere. Some messages of them are downright simple. ‘No Parking’ they scream. Others are more positive. “Parking Full” they say.
(‘Parking Full’ means the same thing : ‘tough-luck-go-around-find-another-place’ )!
And then there are those that overdo it. Like this one.
Which says, ‘No No Parking’ ! Now, What does that one mean ?
For starters, Parking is a strict No-No is a meaning it can take !
And it could also mean ‘No’; to ‘No-Parking’. Double negative. Meaning you could park here. So go ahead. And try teaching double negative word play to the Mumbai parking lot attendant. May the forces be with you.
And then there are those that seem to symbolically convey this
Methinks a ‘No Parking’ board on a chair with no seat to park your back side….is a powerful symbolic message.
Huh. Thats one post full on parking full !